A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder,Hope , a dream of possibilities
                                                                             - Eda J. LE Shan

       Getting a baby in life is really a very good feeling in life and you needs to be happy about that throughout your pregnancy.As a citizen of different country and becoming a new mom in UK,always seems scary for us.It is because we are not familiar with the system here.But the fear within our minds would create a stress upon us and the baby rather than bringing a solution.

            As an Indian citizen i gave birth to my third baby here.I was afraid from the beginning about the delivery system here and have been disturbed by various negative thoughts.But once i got into the labour ward it turned out to be my house and i  really had a very good experience there.From my perspective delivering a baby in UK is  better ,easier and you need not to take stress being a mom in a new country.  

1).Governmental Maternity services in UK is affordable:

        The governmental maternity service in UK is free of cost.In my country,India it is our own interest to select a private maternity service.The private hospitals would charge upto Indian Rupees 1.5 lakhs (nearly £1,500)for a C-sec and about RS.40,000 – 1 lakh for a vaginal(Normal) delivery depending on the hospital and the city.

            Most of the foreigners  living in UK are  provided with free healthcare treatments including the maternity care through the National Health Service(NHS).As a Tier4 student living lawfully in the UK i was also eligible for a free maternity care and was benifitted from that.so being a new mom in UK you need not to worry about the cost.

2).The delivery in UK is mostly painfree and natural:

          The deliveries done by UK midwives are mostly normal cases and not cesarians.About 750,000 and 800,000 babies are born in UK each year and ranks 24th in the world for high quality of care. Midwives in UK mostly prefer for normal vaginal deliveries rather than cesarians.The delivery in UK is very painless and natural.The labour ward here is very simple and they will be waiting to get the labour pain naturally. 

            Instead of injections and medicines,UK is using Entonox gas to ease the labour pain.It is a mixture of Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide gas.The gas removes the pain and makes it bearable.It is a gas provided to get rid of pain without any side effects for us and as well as the baby.It was a great use for me while my delivery.We can blow it out whenever the pain raises and it will eases the pain.

3).UK allows the partners to support in Labour wards :

          To have someone by our side during our times of difficulty is very important.A birth-partner is very essential to provide practical and emotional support during the labour pain. In UK it is allowed to take the partner or anyone who feels comfortable to take with us inside the labour ward.The partner can help in encouraging us to breathe,Walk and relax to get into the labour shortly.

            I took my husband as a birth partner to support me during the labour. My husband was there at the labour ward all day and night of my delivery supporting me throughout the stages.During the delivery of my first two babies i was experiencing my pain by myself without anyone’s support and screaming throughout lonely.Whereas the practise of UK allowing a partner to stay with during our times of unconsciousness and trouble is  much appreciable.

        For the  above good reasons you can deliver a baby in UK as a new resident without any hesitation and fear.You need not to fear about and create stress in your pregnancy life.Be Positive and feel positive.