1 Golden Rule to protect children from Language attrition in UK


"The greatest propaganda in the world is our mother tongue,that is what we learn as children,and which we learn unconciously.That shapes our perceptions for life.That is propaganda at its most extreme form".(Marshall McLuhan)

           Language is one of the most important part of the life to express our feelings and needs. we have a great love for our mother tongue language than any other languages.Our native language is a huge asset for us. 

          But  I can notice most of the children in UK who  forget their first  language and becoming fluent in second new language that they acquired just a year before.This is because of the isolation from first language speakers and  accessing a second language. Children are more prone to language attrition than adults.Children between the age of 3 -18 are mostly affected by this.

          Have you ever wondered of your child returning from school and speaking in a second language with their siblings?Is it something to cherish or worry about  the children rottening our Mother tongue.

          On our way to my son’s school  many people are surprised to see him talking in Tamil,our mother tongue and asks me “vow,Does he knows Tamil”.Why are they so surprised,why? Whereas I am surprised to see a native Tamil speaking family chating in English between them.Are they feeling it shy to speak in their native language in a English Country?We are all humans and if we get hurted accidentally,the next word that we utter is to call our mom in our mother tongue “Amma”…… and not “Ohhh Mom……”

         Do they feel that it is difficult for their child to catch up with English if spoken in their mother tongue?Its not true.The child learns the second language by themselves.They speak it out  to express their needs and for a chat with their friends in a surrounding with second language dominats.

  •      Talk in mother tongue with children on personal conversations:

         When a child is exposed to a second language dominant environment,language attrition may occur when there is no effort put forward to maintain the first language. It  is the responsibility of us parents to take effort to maintain our first language.Not a very huge effort, “Just talk”…….Just talk to the child in your mother tongue and protect the child from language attrition.

          " One language sets you in a corridor for life.Two languages open every door along the way"- (Frank Smith)

          So instead of saying proudly that My child doesn’t know mother tongue,its long since we moved from that country”…...Say it proudly “My child is Bilingual, he/she can manage both the languages”……….

            That sounds good!!!Ryttt!!! 


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  1. Inspiring and educating article. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you....Love to inspire more with upcoming blogs...keep supporting

  2. Thank you...keep supporting ☺️

  3. Excellent Article, it is real scenario and boldly brought out. Hope parent's will realise and step towards talking in their mother tongue at their homes. Keep it up, welldone

    1. Thank you so much...keep supporting on upcoming blogs as well

  4. Awesome!!!
    Useful information
    Getting bit aware of it🤔🤔🤔

    1. Thank you...happy that i have created awareness in you..

  5. Your welcome...Thanks for your comment..keep supporting..

  6. Very nice... Now a days indians who migrated to UK, must teach our basic tamil im their house. They should not feel ashame to talk tamil. Bcz foreigners are very enthusiastic in learning tamil.. so this is our duty to teach our mother tongue to our kids.. proud to be a tamilians..

    1. Yess...Exactly..Thank you for the comment..Keep supporting

  7. Excellent,am proud of you!!

    1. Thank you so much...����keep supporting and sharing

  8. Very good article . I learned something from this article . Just now I migated from India to UK. SO, I will teach or talk with my kids in my mother tougue as much I can.. keep growing

    1. Thank you..happy that you have learnt.keep supporting.

  9. Well Said!!! Nowadays Parents are thinking that, Language is a kind of prestige one not like a communication tool. Those should change their mindset.

    1. Yess.. exactly..Thank you for your response..
      Keep supporting.

  10. Great Share! Parents should encourage their children to speak and learn their mother tongue at home as they get fluent with English at school.Parents should understand that English is just a language and not a measure of intelligence.

  11. So true!
    Parents should learn this thing

  12. My child is also bilingual (German/English). It's very beneficial later in school and in the job market. Never forget your mother tongue!
